Tintometer India Private Limited products
Test strips
Test strips For fast determination with chemical reactionTest strips offer quick, clean results..
Tablet Reagents
Tablet ReagentsThe tablet form is the most popular indicator system worldwide because it is safe and..
Spectrophotometer XD 7500 (UV-VIS)
Spectrophotometer XD 7500 (UV-VIS)HighlightsPremium optical system with reference beamAutomatic test..
Senso Direct SD 400 Oxi L (Set 3)
Portable Hand-held Meters with DataloggerSD 400 Oxi L (Set 3)Optical determination of dissolved oxyg..
Reagent Tubes
Reagent TubesNo exact dosing and mixing, no contact with hazardous substances: Using cuvette tests i..
Powder Reagents
Powder ReagentsAmmonia Conditioning PowderAmmoniumperoxodisulfat P.A.Barium ChlorideCOP3 Reagent-AA ..
Powder dispenser PD 250
Powder dispenser PD 250Precise and repeatable dosing of Powder ReagentsThe PD250 is designed for eas..
Photometer MD 610
Photometer MD 610Modern, mobile photometer for rapid, reliable water testing HighlightsEasily t..
Online Process Turbidimeters PTV Series
Online Process Turbidimeters PTV SeriesProduct Details :To develop this instrument, Lovibond® Ti..
LOVIBOND® Standard Solutions, Calibration Solutions, and Buffer Solutions
LOVIBOND® Standard Solutions, Calibration Solutions, and Buffer SolutionsProduct Details :Tintom..
Lovibond-Tintometer Water Safety Kits
Lovibond-Tintometer Water Safety KitsSave lives with safe potable water HighlightsWide range of..
Lovibond-Tintometer Comparator 2000+
Lovibond-Tintometer Comparator 2000+More than 400 different test discs available HighlightsMore..
Lovibond Tintometer VARIO
VARIOProduct Details :The reagents of the VARIO system are specially adapted to ensure the reliabili..
Lovibond Tintometer Turbidimeter TB 211 IR
Lovibond Tintometer Turbidimeter TB 211 IRwith USB interfaceHighlightsUSB interfaceRange 0.01 - 1100..
Lovibond Tintometer TR Series Reflectance Spectrophotometer
Lovibond Tintometer TR Series Reflectance SpectrophotometerHighlightsMeasure on the go or in the Lab..
Lovibond Tintometer Titrator Reagents
Titrator Reagents Product Details : The Lovibond® VARIO range has been specially formu..
Lovibond Tintometer TG 268 Gloss Meter
Lovibond Tintometer TG 268 Gloss MeterHighlightsHandheld Gloss Meter Designed to Give Fast, Precise ..
Lovibond Tintometer Senso Direct SD 335 Multi (Set 3) - pH/Con/DO
Lovibond Tintometer Senso Direct SD 335 Multi (Set 3) - pH/Con/DOWaterproof handheld meter for the s..
Lovibond Tintometer PFXi 880/ 950/995 Series
Lovibond Tintometer PFXi 880/ 950/995 SeriesPFXi-880,- 950, -995 SeriesSpectrophotometric Colorimete..