The Chadha Scientific Agencies products
Weight And Microscopes
Weight And MicroscopesProduct Details:WB 011: Weight Boxes Analytical and PhysicalWB 012: Slotted We..
Wash Bottles
Wash BottlesProduct Details:These bottles are also made of low density polyethylene and are therefor..
ThermometerProduct Details:TM 801: Thermometer Celsius Mercury and AlcoholTM 802: Clinical Thermomet..
Test Tube Clamps Metal And Wooden
Test Tube Clamps Metal And WoodenProduct Details:TT 9109Test tubes glass (various sizes)TT 9110Test ..
Speciman Jar
Speciman JarProduct Details:These transparent speciman jar used for preserving speciman provided wit..
Soda Glass Ware
Soda Glass WareProduct Details:SG 1200: BeakersSG 1201: Conical flasksSG 1202: Coplin jarsSG 1203: D..
Scissors And Clinostat
Scissors And ClinostatProduct Details:BL 9990 : Bone Cutters S.SBL 9991: Dissection Forceps S.S all ..
ScissorsProduct Details:BL 9990Bone Cutters S.SBL 9991Dissection Forceps S.S all typesBL 9992Scissor..
Retort Stand
Retort StandProduct Details:These non-corrosive, moulded retort stands provide excellent replacement..
Retort And Tripot Stand And Rings
Retort And Tripot Stand And RingsProduct Details:RTS 016: Retort stand rectangular with rodRTS 017: ..
Reagent Bottles
Reagent Bottles Product Details:These Narrow mouth reagent bottles are available in polypropyle..
Pneumatics'Product Details:PM 301 : Air PumpPM 302: Filter PumpPM 303: Pascal Law appPM 304: Spirit ..
Pipette Pump
Pipette PumpProduct Details:LABOPLAST present a fast release pipetting device for precise pipetting ..
Nickel Crucibles And Spatulas
Nickel Crucibles And SpatulasProduct Details:Nickle crucible with lidsNCS 091Nickel basinsNCS 092Com..
Nickel Crucibles And Spatulas
Nickel Crucibles And SpatulasProduct Details:NCS 090: Nickle crucible with lidsNCS 091: Nickel basin..
Microscopes And Accessories
Microscopes And AccessoriesProduct Details:BS 2000 : Microscope student all typesBS 2001: Medical an..
Micro Slides And Cover Slips
Micro Slides And Cover SlipsProduct Details:BG 1000 : Micro plain slides- PKT of 50 - PCSBG 1001: Ca..
MeasurementsProduct Details:MS 201 : Meter Scale (Meter Rules)MS 202: Vernier Calipers All TypesMS 2..