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Techno Electronics products

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Time Response Apparatus

Time Response ApparatusTime Response Apparatus is used for measuring the time interval after which t..


Techno Tele Thermometer

Techno Tele ThermometerDigital Pyrogen Tele Thermometer is specially designed for measurment of low ..


Techno Reactionometer

Techno ReactionometerComplex Reaction time apparatus with a choice of four Auditory choiceModel No. ..


Techno Needle Syringe Destroyer

Techno Needle Syringe DestroyerMODEL SE-9 Is an electrical device, designed to destroy the used disp..


Techno Drop Recording Assemblies

Techno Drop Recording AssembliesSILVER ELECTRODE Type, DP-2The Techno Silver Electrode Drop Recorder..


Techno Digital Elapsed Time Apparatus

Techno Digital Elapsed Time ApparatusThe subject has to estimate the duration of time for which a st..


Techno Digital Display Time Apparatus

Techno Digital Display Time ApparatusMeasures the time interval after which the subject responds whe..


Showing 1 to 20 of 40 (2 Pages)