Svan Analytical Instruments Priv products
Photoelectric Colorimeter
Photoelectric ColorimeterProduct Details:Wavelength Range420-600nmMinimum Volume1 mlMobilityPortable..
pH / Conductivity Meter
pH / Conductivity MeterSpecifications:Portable Microprocessor - based . instruments for measuring EC..
Personal Noise Dosimeter
Personal Noise DosimeterPRODUCT DETAILSAccuracy1.0 dBDisplayDigitalMeasuring Range120dBPower Supply2..
Personal Air Sampling Pump
Personal Air Sampling PumpProduct Details:Being a quality centric organization, we are able to offer..
Outdoor Air Quality Monitoring
Outdoor Air Quality MonitoringProduct Details:The EPAM-5000 is a portable microprocessor-based parti..
Online VOC Detector
Online VOC Detector (Fixed Gas Detector)Product Details:The Tocsin 903 provides a local display and ..
Online Conductivity / TDS
Online Conductivity / TDSProduct Details:Conductivity Sensor with ¾”NPT thread is a heavy-duty probe..
Online Cod / Bod Analyser
Online Cod / Bod AnalyserProduct Details:Usage/ApplicationWASTE WATER MONITORINGChemical Quality Tes..
ONLINE Ammonia Analyzer
ONLINE Ammonia AnalyzerProduct Details:online water analyser based on a high resolution UV-visible s..
Oil Viscometer
Oil ViscometerProduct Details:Viscosity0-40000cPUsage/ApplicationVIscosity in oilBrandRHEOSENSEModel..
Lux Meter (Light Meter)
Lux Meter (Light Meter)Specifications:Compact and rugged designWidest range to 40,000Fc/ 400,000Lux ..
Lab COD Analyzer
Lab COD AnalyzerProduct Details:COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) is a term used to measure the quality o..
Lab BOD Analyzer
Lab BOD AnalyzerProduct Details;Measurement on scales of 90, 250, 600 and 999 ppm BODHigher values c..
Industrial On-Line Stack Emission Analyzer
Industrial On-Line Stack Emission AnalyzerOther Details:Modular design , uses latest technology to m..
Indoor Air Quality Monitor (IAQ)
Indoor Air Quality Monitor (IAQ)Product Details:The instrument simultaneously measures several param..
HygrometerProduct Details:MaterialOtherBrandRotronicsUsage/ApplicationLaboratoryModel Name/NumberHD1..
High Precision UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
High Precision UV-VIS SpectrophotometerProduct Details:Wavelength Range190-1100 nmOptical SystemSing..
Head Space Oxygen Analyzer
Head Space Oxygen AnalyzerProduct Details:Model Name/NumberHOABrandUPLUsage/ApplicationMonitoring Ox..
Gas Detector Tube
Gas Detector TubeProduct Details:BrandGastecGas DetectionAll gasesUsage/ApplicationMeasuring gases i..