Sunny Scientifico products
Penetrant AP-35
Penetrant AP-35Red and Fluorescent Penetrant.These are typically formulated solvents which find and ..
InspectThis is the inspected object in which the defect is clearly seen and termed as lack of bond b..
Fluorescent Penetrants
Fluorescent PenetrantsWe are devotedly engaged in manufacturing and supplying premium quality assort..
Developer AD-39
Developer AD-39This is the last evaporating solvent in combination with very lino powder and applied..
Cleaner AC-31
Cleaner AC-31This is a solvent-based formulation used as a cleaner that removes surface contaminatio..
CleanClean the Surface of Object to be detected by Using Cleaner AC - 31, Its Super Active formula&n..
Apply Penetrant
Apply Penetrantpenetrant AP - 35 on the cleaned Object and leave it for dwelling At least 10 - 15 mi..
Apply Developer
Apply DeveloperNow apply Developer AD- 39 to get the results.A very fine film of solvent and powder ..
Apply Cleaner
Apply CleanerAgain apply Cleaner AC - 31 on penetrant applied object to remove excess of penetrant.&..
Aerosol Valves
Aerosol ValvesOur firm specializes in manufacturing and supplying an assorted gamut of Aerosol Valve..
Aerosol Cans
Aerosol CansWe are ranked amongst the eminent manufacturers and suppliers of a wide array of Aerosol..