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Srilekha Bio Envirotech Products products

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Short Path Molecular Distillation Units

Short Path Molecular Distillation UnitsCapacity2-800 LPMUsage/ApplicationMOLECULAR DISTILLATION FRAC..


Medium Pressure Mercury UV Lamp

Medium Pressure Mercury UV LampPower160 WTube MaterialQuartz GlassCapacity1200 WUsage/ApplicationRea..


Laboratory Glass Spherical Vessel

Laboratory Glass Spherical VesselShapeSphericalCapacity100 LUsage/ApplicationChemical LaboratoryDesi..


Laboratory Glass Spherical Vessel

Laboratory Glass Spherical VesselShapeSphericalCapacity500 mlUsage/ApplicationChemical LaboratoryTyp..


Lab Photochemical Reactor

Lab Photochemical ReactorCapacity1000 mlMaterialGLASS AND QUARTZUsage/ApplicationReactionMixing Arra..


Glass Vacuum Distillation Column

Glass Vacuum Distillation ColumnUsage/ApplicationChemicalMaterialGLASSDesign TypeCustomisedMaterial ..



GLASS REACTORUsage/ApplicationChemical LaboratoryDesign TypeSPHERICALType Of GlasswareGLASSMaterialG..


Glass Jacket Reactor Assembly

Glass Jacket Reactor AssemblyMaterialGlass and Stainless SteelCapacity1000 mlStorage MaterialGLASS R..


Glass High Pressure Reactor

Glass High Pressure ReactorStorage MaterialGLASSCapacity5 LitreMaterialGlass and Stainless SteelUsag..


Fractional Vacuum Distillation Unit

Fractional Vacuum Distillation UnitUsage/ApplicationPharmaTypeDISITLLATION SYSTEMSMountingSKIDMateri..


Filter Reactors

Filter ReactorsCapacity250 mlFilter TypeGLASS PTFEMax Pressure5 BarMaterialGlassMixing ArrangementYe..


Distillation Unit Lab Scale

Distillation Unit Lab ScaleCapacity500ml to 200litresUsage/ApplicationLab,pilot scaleTypeglassDesign..


Congealing Temperature Apparatus

Congealing Temperature ApparatusUsage/ApplicationCongealing TemperatureCapacity250 mlBrandACE GlassM..


Borosilicate Filtering Flask

Borosilicate Filtering FlaskBrandACE GlassFilter Medium MaterialActivated CarbonMaterialGlassDiamete..


Alginate Assay



Ace Pressure Flasks

Ace Pressure FlasksUsage/ApplicationLaboratory applicationShapeRoundSize50ml to 500mlMaterialGlassCa..


ACE Glass Pressure Tubes

ACE Glass Pressure TubesUsage/ApplicationChemical LaboratoryCapacity300 mlBrandACE GlassDesign TypeB..


500ml TO 200L Glass Jacketed Reactors

500ml TO 200L Glass Jacketed ReactorsColorTransparentMaterialGlassCapacity500 mlStorage MaterialGLAS..


5000ml Borosilicate Glass Laboratory Flasks

5000ml Borosilicate Glass Laboratory FlasksMaterialBorosilicate GlassCapacity5000 mlUsage/Applicatio..


250ml PTFE Chemical Reactor

250ml PTFE Chemical ReactorMaterialPTFECapacity250 mlUsage/ApplicationReactionMixing ArrangementYesM..


Showing 1 to 20 of 21 (2 Pages)