Silico Chemico Porcelain Works
Established in 1959, Silico & Chemico Porcelain Works is a leading manufacturer and exporter of chemical porcelains, industrial ceramics, hospital porcelain wares, high temperature porcelain wares, porous ceramics and high alumina ceramics. Our company is affiliated to premier business organization like Confederation of Indian Industries, Indian Ceramic Society, Indian Institute of Ceramics, Export Promotion Bureau, Chemical and Allied Products Exports Promotions Council (CAPEXIL) and All India Pottery Manufacturers Association.
Porcelain, due to inherent properties like resistance to all reagents except hydrofluoric acid, resistance to thermal shock with low coefficient of expansion, good thermal conductivity and mechanical strength have made it a widely used material for industrial and laboratory supplies. The demand of chemical porcelain is increasing in view of extensive research and development, besides the growing industrial activities in the field of chemicals, fertilizers and petrochemicals, throughout the world.
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