About Us:
Established in the year 2007, We, “Shivang Furnaces And Ovens Industries”, are instrumental in offering wide range of Furnaces and Ovens. We provide Industrial Furnace, Cremation Furnaces, Laboratory Furnaces, Industrial Tray Dryers, Industrial Electric Ovens, Laboratory Ovens, Industrial Incinerators and Bio-Medical Waste Incinerator to our customers. Our expert marketing department has developed a trustworthy vendor base to source superior quality raw material so that at the end we can offer matchless range of products. All raw materials are checked strictly in the time of sourcing by our quality checking unit.
The manufacturing unit is equipped with latest machinery to assure timely fabrication of the products. Our warehouse is labelled and categorized properly to assure easy accessibility to the consignments. We have recruited a team of expert warehousing professionals to keep an eye on the incoming and outgoing stocks. Moreover, our transportation unit ensure a timely delivery of the products to maximize the satisfaction level of our customers. The human resource department has recruited an experienced workforce to carry out our whole business process flawlessly. We also organize frequent training sessions for them. Each member work with close coordination and cooperation to achieve the goal of our organization.
Being a quality centric organization we mainly focus on providing unmatched range of products to our clients. We are obliged to our respected mentor 'Mr. Dhiren Buch' who has helped Shivang Furnaces And Ovens Industries to gain an respective position in the market.
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