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Precisions Biotek Instruments P products

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IncubatorsProduct Details:Temperature range: Amb +5degree to 60 degree   & Ambien..


Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis System

Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis SystemProduct Details:Horizontal Submarine Agarose Electrophoresis is..


Gradient Pcr

Gradient PcrProduct Details: - Possibility of upgrading the same machine as general purpose PCR..


Gel Documentation System

Gel Documentation SystemProduct Details:Besides above chemiluminescence system also available  ..


Gas Chromatograph

Gas ChromatographProduct Details:9 step temperature program heating rate up to 30 degree / minute&nb..


Freeze Dryer

Freeze DryerProduct Details:self diagnosis algorithm for checking the  end of freeze drying pro..


Extraction System

Extraction SystemProduct Details:This instrument uses magnetic bead extraction technology to extract..



CentrifugesProduct Details:We offer a complete range of centrifuges from Super speed, High Speed, ge..


Blotting System

Blotting SystemProduct Details:Protein Blotting Transfer System- Widest Range of Semi Dry Transfer U..


Blood Bank Centrifuges

Blood Bank CentrifugesProduct Details:For components separation in blood, large capacities of upto 6..


Showing 21 to 34 of 34 (2 Pages)