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            Through the years, Medispec has launched a range of innovative products in the biotech sector. One of the reasons for success is working closely with customers more like partners to understand needs/applications, thereby taking advantage of the synergy effects between research and applied technology.
Medispec was founded way back in 1995. Since then Medispec has grown into a leading Solution provider in the field of the Life Science industry understanding the customer's needs and providing the highest level of customer satisfaction.
               At Medispec, the company helps its customers to make their research work more effective and reliable by offering them advanced technologies. For more than two decades, the firm has been delivering innovative laboratory products such as Microplate Instrumentation, Gel Documentation Systems, Liquid Handling, CO2 Incubators, Biosafety Cabinets, Deep Freezers, Colony Counters & others to the research community.

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  • Member since: 01/08/2022
  • Products: 6
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