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Jain Scientific Glass Works products

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Weighing Bottles

Weighing BottlesProduct Details:Catalog. No.O.D. x Ht.Approx Capacitymm. (approx.)(ml.)551/1 Squate ..


Test Tubes

Test TubesProduct Details:Test Tubes, "JSGW" Round bottom, with rim, made from Neutral Hard Glass, H..


Specimen Jars

Specimen JarsProduct Details:Catalog No.SizeApproxmm.cap. (ml.)883/150 x 75100883/260 x 110250883/37..


Specific Gravity Bottles

Specific Gravity BottlesProduct Details:Catalog. No.Capacity ml.557/15557/210557/320557/425557/55055..


Soxhlet Extraction

Soxhlet ExtractionProduct Details:Catalog. No.ExtractorExtractorExtractorFlask CapacitySocketCo..


Reagent Bottle

Reagent BottleProduct Details:Catalog. No.Approx Capacity (ml.)DIN Thread566A/125GL25566A/250GL 3256..



PipettesProduct Details:Pipettes Automatic "JSGW" Quick Acting For Rapid Work Of Approximate Accurac..


Petri Dishes

Petri DishesProduct Details:Catalog No.ApproxOD x Ht.(mm)603/150x17603/262x17603/380x17603/4100x17..


Narrow Mouth

Narrow MouthProduct Details:Reagent Bottles, "JSGW", Narrow Mouth, with interchangeable flat head St..


Membrane Filter Assembly

Membrane Filter AssemblyProduct Details:Membrane Filter Holder Assembly, "JSGW", with sintered glass..


Measuring Cylinder with Interchangeable Stopper

Measuring Cylinder with Interchangeable StopperProduct Details:Catalog No.Cap. (ml)Sub. DivTol. (± m..


Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal

Measuring Cylinder HexagonalProduct Details:Catalog No.CapacitySub DivisionTolerancemlml±ml76/150.10..


Mac Cartney Bottles

Mac Cartney BottlesProduct Details:Cat. No.Capacity(ml.)574/115574/230574/360574/55..


Liquid Nitrogen Flasks

Liquid Nitrogen FlasksProduct Details:ColorTransparentPackaging SizeStrandedBrandJain ScientificOur ..


Liebig Condensers

Liebig CondensersProduct Details:Catalog No.Effective Lengthmm.141/1200141/2300141/3400141/4500141/5..


Jacketed Coil Condenser

Jacketed Coil CondenserProduct Details:Catalog No.SocketConeEffective Length   mm.132..


Showing 1 to 20 of 40 (2 Pages)