Intech International products
Micrometer Screw Gauge
Micrometer Screw GaugeThe Micrometer Screw Gauge that we provide to the world wide clients is used i..
Mercury Thermometers
Mercury ThermometersMercury Thermometer we Manufacture and Export is appreciated for perfectly accur..
Magnifying Glasses
Magnifying GlassesThe Magnifying Glasses we Manufacture are attached with suitable glasses for neces..
Laminar Air Flow
Laminar Air FlowThe Laminar Air Flow we Manufacture and Export is known among the clients for high q..
Laboratory Plasticware
Laboratory PlasticwareWe are one of the leading Laboratory Plasticware Manufacturers and Exporters i..
Laboratory Ovens
Laboratory OvensWe have established a name of repute in manufacturing Laboratory Ovens which are mad..
Laboratory Glassware
Laboratory GlasswareBased on the extensive experience in the field, we Manufacture a broad range Lab..
Laboratory Balances
Laboratory BalancesThe Laboratory Balances we manufacture are known for their accurate measurement o..
Laboratory Ammeter
Laboratory AmmeterThe clients can avail from us high grade Laboratory Ammeter that is in accordance ..
Intermediate Spectrometer
Intermediate SpectrometerWe have available with us, Intermediate Spectrometer that has SS scaled and..
Heat Equipment
Heat EquipmentWe offer Heat Equipment that is known for giving accurate measurements. The Heat Equip..
Electrostatic Equipment
Electrostatic EquipmentThe clients can avail from us Electrostatic Equipment that is highly reliable..
Double Walled Water Bath
Double Walled Water BathWe are one of the trusted names among the principle, Double Walled Water Bat..