Future Bio Science Pvt. Ltd. products
InspissatorConvenient and effective system designed to produce large batches of uniform tuberculosis..
High-Capacity Microcentrifuge tubes
High-Capacity Microcentrifuge tubesClickSeal High-Capacity Microcentrifuge tubes fit all popul..
GelX Disposable Gel Excision Tips
GelX Disposable Gel Excision TipsWidely acclaimed as an excellent tool for gene cloning, Cleaver Sci..
Fume Hood
Fume HoodAs research and laboratories evolve, AirClean® Systems continues to innovate with sophistic..
Filter Barrier Tips
Filter Barrier TipsThis product is available in various packaging configurations.·Ideal for molecula..
Eelctrophoresis Systems
Eelctrophoresis SystemsbatteryGel ElectrophoresisHorizontal Electrophoresis The MSBGEL battery ..
Ductless Rotary Evaporator Enclosures
Ductless Rotary Evaporator EnclosuresDuctless Rotary Evaporator EnclosuresAirClean® Systems int..
Cryo Tubes
Cryo TubesTPP cryo tubes are used to store samples in freezers or similar low-temperature equipment...
CoolRackCoolRack thermo-conductive metal alloy tube modules eliminate inconsistencies which occur du..
Cool Sink
Cool SinkCoolSink thermo-conductive metal alloy plate and reservoir modules provide uniform temperat..
Cool Probe
Cool ProbeTraceable temperature monitors for accurate temperature monitoring of samples while in Coo..
Cool Cell
Cool CellCoolCell alcohol-free cell freezing containers ensure standardized controlled-rate -1°C/min..
Cool Box
Cool BoxCoolBox 30 and CoolBox MP cooling and freezing systems provide hours of bench top cooling (0..
Cool Accessories
Cool AccessoriesMultipurpose containers are unbreakable, stackable, lightweight, leakproof and long-..
Cell Scraper
Cell ScraperCell Scraper and Cell Spatula Changes of the blade angle of the TPP cell scraper re..
Blotting System
Blotting SystemThe omniPAGE Mini electroblotting system allows PAGE and blotting to be performed usi..
BioStor Screw- Cap
BioStor Screw- CapInvented by National Scientific Supply Company, Inc. Multi-purpose design serves a..
AeroGar Perfect Barrier ZFR Pipette Tips
AeroGar Perfect Barrier ZFR Pipette TipsNon-wettable Zero-Fluid-Retention Pipet Tips with beveled en..