Biotex Scientific Company products
Water / Soil Testing Kit
Water / Soil Testing KitDeluxe Water & Soil Analysis Kit digit LCD display covering the paramete..
UV Transluminator
UV TransilluminatorTRANSILLUMINATOR - COLLEGE: UB Model GEL-UB-04-01. Student model. Only UV. Maximu..
Turbidity Meter
Turbidity MeterMicroprocessor Turbidity Meter with alphanumeric LCD display having ranges up to 1,00..
Turbidity Meter
Turbidity MeterDigital Turbidity Meter 3% digit LED display. Range upto 1000 NTU/JTU. Digital Nephel..
Thermal Cyclers PCR Machines
Thermal Cyclers PCR MachinesIMAGINE THERMAL CYCLER SERIES is for small labs and educational institut..
TDS Salinity Meters
TDS Salinity MetersAuto Digital TDS Meter (Auto Ranging) 3% digit LED Display with facility for temp..
TDS Salinity Meters
TDS Salinity MetersAuto Digital TDS Meter (Auto Ranging) 3% digit LED Display with facility for temp..
Serological Water Bath
Serological Water Bathsed in pathological, Biochemical & Serological testing. )le Walled inside ..
PCR Thermal Cycler
PCR Thermal CyclerSalient Features • Adjustable pressure hot lid, to prevent volatilizing and dewing..
Microscope Binocular
Microscope BinocularBody:Nicely designed, die-casted sophisticated enough to fulfill your Microscopy..
Microprocessor Water And Soil Analysis Kit
Microprocessor Water And Soil Analysis KitWith the active support of our team of experts, we are eng..
Microprocessor Viscometer
Microprocessor ViscometerDigital Viscometer having advantage of high accuracy stable digital display..
Microprocessor Viscometer
Microprocessor ViscometerWe are the standout organization which has gained name and fame in manufact..
Micro Pipette Superior
Micro Pipette SuperiorThese Variable and Fixed Volume Micropipettes are semi autoclavable where the ..
Micro Pipete
Micro PipetteThese Variable and Fixed Volume Micropipettes are semiautoclavable where the Tip — cone..