Anatek Services Pvt Ltd products Show:
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UV-Vis Spectrophotometers V 700 SeriesProduct Details:With more than forty years of experience in th..
TX-2000Product Details:TXRF is founded on the same principles of the EDXRF with, however, one signif..
Stress-XProduct Details:Stress-X allows to measure residual stress, providing a through non-destruct..
Raman SpectrometerProduct Details:The performance and functions expected on a micro-Raman spectromet..
ProspectorProduct Details:G.N.R. is proud to introduce the new ProSpector, the latest XRF system to ..
Multi Channel Array FTIR MicroscopeProduct Details:Two detectors are installed as standard. The comb..
Liquid Chromatography X-LCProduct Details:Revolutionary new Technology. Any sophisticated analytical..
JEOL MASS SPECTROMETERProduct Details:The most sensitive Gas Chromatograph – Quadrupole Mass Spectro..
JEOL MASS SPECTROMETERProduct Details:The most sensitive Gas Chromatograph – Triple Quadrupole Mass ..
JEOL MASS SPECTROMETERProduct Details:Ultimate GC-MS for challenging qualitative analyses (and quant..
JEOL MASS SPECTROMETERProduct Details:» Easy setup of resolution at more than 10,000» Easy optimizat..
JEOL MASS SPECTROMETERProduct Details:The most widely used ambient ionization technique» Offers dire..
JEOL MASS SPECTROMETERProduct Details:» The 17 m flight path is realized by employing an innovative ..
JEOL MASS SPECTROMETERProduct Details:The Smart Solution for Elemental AnalysisSimple Operation» Sim..
HPLC 2000 SeriesProduct Details:The LC-2000Plus Series is JASCO's latest development in High Perform..
FT IR SpectrophotometersProduct Details:With over fifty years of experience in infrared spectroscopy..
Flourescence SpectrophotometersProduct Details:Designed with the latest technology, the JASCO FP-805..
EXPLORERProduct Details:The EXPLORER high resolution diffraction system incorporates the high effici..
Circular Dichroism PolarimetersProduct Details:J-1100Compact CD spectrometerfor routine measurements..
Automatic Digital PolarimetersProduct Details:Jasco’s vast experience in Polarimeters is unchallenge..
Showing 1 to 20 of 24 (2 Pages)