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Alpha Chem products

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Woulff Bottle

Woulff BottleALPHA CHEM-528 Woulff BottleWoulf Bottle Made of soda glass, with 2 necks. Availab..


Wooden Cork Stopper

Wooden Cork StopperALPHA CHEM-561  Wooden Cork StopperWooden Cork Stopper XRL quality, pack or ..


Wire Gauge

Wire GaugeALPHA CHEM-542 Wire GaugeWire Gauge With asbestos center, extra strong quality in squares...


Water Voltameter

Water VoltameterALPHA CHEM-528 Water VoltameterWater Voltameter Glass cup form with two platinum ele..


Watch Glasses

Watch GlassesALPHA CHEM-543 Watch GlassesWatch Glasses Polished, ground edges, made from selected gl..


Vortex Shaker

Vortex ShakerALPHA CHEM- 946 Vortex Shakera) Compact, rugged constructionb) Heavy metal base & r..


Voltmeter Copper

Voltmeter CopperALPHA CHEM-541 Voltmeter CopperVoltmeter Copper For experiments in electrolysis, 2 t..


Universal Ph Paper

Universal Ph PaperALPHA CHEM-549 Universal Ph PaperUniversal Ph Paper Indicator paper supplied in 5 ..


Universal Clamp

Universal ClampALPHA CHEM-519 Universal ClampUniversal Clamp Made of sheet metal and chrome plated, ..


Troughs Pneumatic

Troughs PneumaticALPHA CHEM-531 Troughs PneumaticTroughs Pneumatic Circular in shape, made of soda g..


Tripod Stand, Circle

Tripod Stand, CircleALPHA CHEM-516 Tripod Stand, CircleCylinder top bar stainless steel triangle tri..


Tripod Stand Triangle

Tripod Stand TriangleALPHA CHEM-515 Tripod Stand TriangleFlat top stainless steel triangle tripod st..


Test Tube Stand Wooden

Test Tube Stand WoodenALPHA CHEM-504  Test Tube Stand WoodenTest Tube Stand Wooden Made of seas..


Test Tube Stand Aluminium

Test Tube Stand AluminiumALPHA CHEM-503  Test Tube Stand AluminiumTest Tube Stand comes in vari..


Test Tube Stand 3 Tier

Test Tube Stand 3 TierALPHA CHEM-506  Test Tube Stand 3 TierThese ingenious racks with a 3-tier..


Test Tube Stand

Test Tube StandALPHA CHEM-505  Test Tube StandTest Tube Stand An economical substitute for wire..


Test Tube Holder

Test Tube HolderALPHA CHEM-507  Test Tube HolderTest Tube Holder Metal, with sliding collar and..


Test Tube Basket

Test Tube BasketALPHA CHEM-510 Test Tube BasketTest Tube Basket Test Tube Baskets are made of Polypr..


Teclu Burner

Teclu BurnerALPHA CHEM-563 Teclu BurnerTeclu Burner Chrome plated brass tube of 16mm dia. with air r..


Stability Chamber Microprocessor Control

Stability Chamber Microprocessor ControlALPHA CHEM- 954 Stability Chamber Microprocessor ControlThes..


Showing 1 to 20 of 82 (5 Pages)