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Digital Flow Meter

Product Details:

  • Application Media Water, Steam,Gas, Liquid
  • Display Local, Remote
  • Flow range(Min-Max) any
  • Line Size 1/2" - 2000 MM
  • Operating Pressure Any
  • Operating Temperature (Celsius) Any

For Custody Transfer Application, using P.D. Meter, Turbine Meter, Vortex Meter, Magnetic Meter, and Multi-Path Ultrasonic Flow Meter.

  • Engineering, Design of Metering Skid
  • Assembly, testing
  • Installation, commissioning & Start-up

Flow Metering Packages

Soham Automation provides total solution for the custody transfer fiscal metering packages for oil and gas industries. Our turnkey solution in this field ranges from design, engineering, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning.

Metering Skids

We have integrated metering skids with different types of flow meters like PD meter, Turbine meters, Orifice meters, Carioles meters, Ultrasonic meters etc with different type of master meters and provers for metering proving. Our range of metering skid ranges from 3” line to 48” lines so far, and are capable of doing bigger sizes. Our experts can chose and size different types of flow meters for any application and design the best suited solution based on customer provided information on process conditions and data. Our team of experts in this field can chose different instrument and equipment (like motorized valves, strainers, control valves, piping materials, pressure and temperature instruments, electrical item etc) required for the metering skid package. We do mechanical design and calculations, P & ID, E & I design and installation, fabrication all required for complete metering skid integration.

Main Markets

The main markets for the metering systems are oil & gas applications, which include :

  • Production
  • Oil Depots
  • Refineries
  • Supervision of depots
  • Transportation
  • Distribution
  • Gas Production/process units

We have comprehensive experience within the above areas and our team is able to design the most suitable turnkey solution for your specific requirements.

Control Panel and System

We are the masters in the field of panel assembly and system development always have an upper hand in this part of metering package system than any of our competitors. Our experts can configure any type of flow computers to meet any international standard. We build exclusive control panels for fiscal metering system, and can integrate this to any new or existing SCADA / DCS system in the plant.

Metering Skid for Fiscal/Custody transfer also with all high tech instrument for metering & data recording. Metering Skid with Flow Prover, Flow computer technology. 

We have grown into a world leader in the supply of systems to meter gaseous hydrocarbon products. Our experience in providing high accuracy metering systems coupled with our expertise in the latest technological developments makes us the leading choice for your metering requirement. Our experience includes the design and manufacture of gas ultrasonic metering systems using 36” meters, as well as systems operating at 10,000psig.

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Digital Flow Meter

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