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Photo Stability Chamber is a double walled construction, STD MODEL- Inside: S.S. 304 with dull finish / Outside: G.I. Epoxy and powder coated with seven tank Process. The GMP MODEL- Inside: S.S. 316 dull finish / Outside: S.S. 304 dull.
- CFC Free PUF(Poly Urethane Foam) Insulation Upto 80ºC
- Silicon gasket at inner door to avoid Temp. losses.
- Magnetic gasket at outer door.
- Spring loaded auto door closure facility.
- The chamber rests on nylon bullet feet built in screwing adjustment for easy movement.
- 100 % usable area with 25% extra space to maintain uniformity.
- Compact handle, S.S. lock, High CFM blower.
- Microprocessor based Safety Control System.
- For confirmatory studies, samples should be exposed to light providing an overall illumination of not less than 1.2 million lux hours and an integrated near ultraviolet energy of not less than 200 watt hours / square meter to allow direct comparison to be made between drug substance and drug product.
Some of its Features are:
- U.V Lights get switched OFF automatically once you open the door.
- You can test the samples on Fluorescent Light OR on U.V. Lights separately as well as combinedly
- You can test the samples first by Fluorescent Light and then by U.V. Light and then by both automatically or vice-versa. You just need to set the time period between each test.
- For both the model mentioned below we will be providing the light effect Horizontally above the tray for better effect.
Technical Specifications:
- Temperature Range:20°C to 50°C
- Accuracy: 1.0°C
- Uniformity: 2°C
effect Horizontally above the tray for better effect.effect Horizontally above the tray for better effect.