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Wako Pure Chemicals, Cellnest

Wako Pure Chemicals, Cellnest

Product Details :

Fujifilm developed a non-animal based recombinant peptide (RCP), taking advantage of the know-how from its photographic film past. RCP is a biomaterial, applicable in various forms such as spones, granules and film for regeneration madicine research.


  • No animal-derived ingredients (xeno-free product) ···
  • cellnest is manufacturing with recombinant technology from yeast with high reproducible quality
  • High cellular adhesiveness ··· Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) enriched with high cellular adhesion
  • Biodegradable and bioabsorbable ···
  • Best for medical research material since readily biodegradable and bioabsorbable material which will not remain within the body.
  • Uniform molecular weight ··· For formulation into various forms, such as sponges, porous particles and granules
  • Low endotoxin (max. 10 EU/g)

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Wako Pure Chemicals, Cellnest

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