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Wako Pure Chemical Corporation Screen Fect A plus

Wako Pure Chemical Corporation ScreenFect A plus

Product Details :


ScreenFect™A plus is a transfection reagent composed of a new cationic loposome screened*1 by click chemistry.

It can be used with various eukaryote-derive cells and can be directly added to medium containing antibodies or serum.

DNA and siRNA can be transfected into general experimental cell strains (HeLa, HepG2, MECK, etc.), stem cells (mouse ES cells, etc.), blood cells (macrophages, THP-1, RAW264, 7, etc.), microglia, primary (initial subculture) cells, and insect cells. Medium replacement after transfection is not required due to low cytotoxicity. The constiuent reagents do not contain any poisonous or deleterious substance

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Wako Pure Chemical Corporation Screen Fect A plus

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