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PID Controller

PID Controller

Product Details:
Size48x96 mm
Display Size0.5 Inch
Supply85 to 230 V AC
Available ModelFU48,FU72,FU96,FU86

A (PID Controller) or proportional integral derivative controller is a generic control loop feedback mechanism (controller), which is widely used in many industrial control systems. It calculates "error" value as the difference between desired set point and measured process variable. Controller attempts minimizing the errors by adjusting process control inputs.

The parameters used in calculation should be tuned as per system's nature:

  • The PID controller calculation (algorithm) includes three separate parameters; the proportional, integral and derivative values
  • Proportional value specifies the reaction to current error
  • Integral value determines reaction based on recent error''s sum
  • Derivative value determines reaction based on the rate to which the error has been changing
  • The weighted sum of these three actions is used via a control element for process adjusting like control valves power supply of heating element

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PID Controller

  • Views: 227
  • Vendor: Aavad Instrument
  • Product Code: AAVAD00100
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹0

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