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Ion Chamber 10x6-180

Ion Chamber 10x6-180

Product Details :

For use with the Accu-Gold, Accu-Pro and Accu-Dose systems. The 10X6-180 is a Leakage and Low Level Measurements Chamber.
Min Rate100 nR/s1 nGy/s
Max Rate0.6 R/s4.9 mGy/s
Min Dose200 nR2 nGy
Max Dose2.0 kR17 Gy
Cine SpecificationsN/A
Calibration Accuracy±4% using X-rays @ 150kVp and 10.2 mm AL HVL
Exposure Rate Dependence±5%, 20 mR/hr to 2000 R/hr
Energy Dependance±5%, 30 keV to 1.33 MeV (with build up material)
Click here to download the complete graphs for all chambers.
ConstructionPolycarbonate walls and electrode; conductive graphite exterior coating; 180 cm3 active volume; 0.11kg

Additional Information:

  • Item Code: 10X6-180

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Ion Chamber 10x6-180

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