An all purpose Humidity Cabinet confirming to stricter specifications, specifically designed for drying environment of Plant and Animal Growth, investigation of vapor proofs of packed materials, determination of DE - electric strength, insulation tests of electrical components and many others tests requiring an atmosphere of controlled temp. and Humidity. The sturdy double walled construction provide a pleasing getup. The interior walls are made of heavy gauge aluminium duly anodized/stainless steel. Insulation of 63 mm by mineral wool insulation . The exterior is made of heavy Mild Steel painted in Epoxy Powder Coating. The door is of massive construction having window and seals against atmospheric infiltration by rubber gasket. The humidity is controlled by RH controller with electronic display of temp. and RH (control : from atmospheric humidity to 98% with sensitivity of +/- 3% ) fitted inside the door . Separate water tank has been provided at the lower side of the cabinet. The water is circulated in the cabinet by pump fitted at the bottom. As soon as the water starts coming into the cabinet the blower is automatically switched on. The temp. is controlled by a micro processed electronic digital temp. controller cum indicator from few °C above ambient temp. to 60 Deg.C. with an accuracy of +/- 1 Deg.C Individual neon lamps and switched have been provided at the side of the cabinet which can be used individually according to requirement. The temp. is recorded from the thermometer fitted at the front of the cabinet.
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