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DIGITAL CONTROLS: Separate and independent Temperature controllers for Oven, Injector, Detector with digital display and auto cooling facility .
The system is multichannel and multifunction controls with accuracy and ease of operation with pushbuttons and thumbwheel switches let you set all chromatography conditions in few seconds the setting are completely reproducible.
- Auto cooling Facility
- Digital controls
- in programming mode
- Power failure back up
- Compact in size
- Easy operation
- Column oven Temp Range : Ambient to 399 deg C in 1 deg C steps
- Column oven size : 12 liters
- Ramp : F ramp with isotherms hold
- Temperature Programming : Microprocessor based 0.1 to 25deg c /min in steps 0.1 deg c steps
- Cooling : Auto cooling system for fast cooling
- Injector system : S.S. body which fits into a universal base
- Glass insert : Removable
- Type : Dual vertical port with option Fused Silica Capillary Columns and packed column
- Heated base : Universal injector base.
- Temp Range : Ambient to 390 deg C in step 1 0 deg C set by
- thumbwheel switches.
- No. of Injector : up To 3 ( 2 Standard)
- Types : Split / Split less, Packed 1/8” ¼ “ ( Packed Standard)
- Dual flame ionisation detector with control module(fid)excellent sensitivity and wide linear
- dynamic range.
- Fid jet : Quartz jet and minimizes degradation and absorption of samples
- Sensitivity : Better than 2x10‾12 g/sec
- Output Attenuator : In 12 binary step of x1, x2, x4, x8, x16, x32, x64, x128, x256, x512, 1024, ∞
- FID module : dual differential type amplifier
- Amplifier Sensitivity : 2x10 12A/mv. Linearity 107
- Operation : Simultaneous operation facility of all fid for identical sample
- Power requirement : 230 V, 50 Hz, 2 KVA
- Weight :40 Kg