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Core Drilling Machine
Core Drilling Machine
Product Details:
Core Drilling Machine is a drill specifically designed to remove a cylinder of material, much like a hole saw. The material left inside the drill bit is referred to as the core.
Core drills are used frequently in mineral exploration where the coring may be several hundred to several thousand feet in length. The core samples are recovered and examined by geologists for mineral percentages and stratigraphic contact points. This gives exploration companies the information necessary to begin or abandon mining operations in a particular area.
Coring angle: 0 to 360°
Rack feed: 1000 mm.
Shaft thread: 1¼-7.
Power: 2200 W at 230 V; 1800 W at 110 V.
Full load speed: 670/1140/1580 r.p.m
Coring range dia.: 20/200 mm.
Dimensions approx.: 470x785x1630 mm.
Weight approx.: 80 kg.

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Core Drilling Machine

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Tags: Civil Engineering Lab Equipment