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Buoyancy Balance
Product Details:
Buoyancy Balance We provide buoyancy balance which helps widely in determining the specific gravity and for the water absorption of the aggregate. Our unit is fitted with the 15 kg capacity x 0.5 gm of the electronic balance. The frame is supplied with:
• Water tank.
• Suspension hooks.
• Lever for lifting the water tank manually.
Moreover, it can be easily customized in accordance with client requirement and can be delivered within stipulated time frame
The density of hardened concrete specimens such as cubes and cylinders can be quickly and accurately determined using a Specific Gravity / Buoyancy Balance. The apparatus consists of a rigid support frame, incorporating a water tank mounted on a platform. A mechanical lifting device is used to raise the water tank through the frame height immersing the specimen suspended below the balance. The Balance is not included in the apparatus and must be ordered separately. Any type of Electronic Balance fitted with an under bench weighing facility can be used. The balance supplied can also be used as a standard weighing device, thus providing a versatile and comprehensive weighing system in the laboratory Rs. 22500/-
Cement & Concrete Testing Equipment