Biological Safety cabinet provides personnel, environmental and product protection in applications involving biological agents. These cabinets have been designed for safe handling of Cytotoxic drugs , so as to keep the work environment safe and clean from pollutants.
Biological Safety Cabinet are equipped with three filters. There are constantly two filters operating in series providing dual air filtration. The design of biological Safety Cabinet permits easy and safe service.
Different types of bio-safety cabinets are designed to suit different requirements. This cabinets are defined by class and again by type based on their construction, airflow velocities & patterns and by their exhaust system..
Filtered laminar air flow which is re-circulated in the work zone creates an ultra clean work environment for product protection. A room air barrier at front opening at the front opening prevents escape of pathogens into the worker's area.
The down flow together with room air inflow are filtered under the work surface to ensure non contaminated area inside the cabinet and long lifetime for exhaust and down flow filters.
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