Arium Comfort Series
Product Details :
The arium comfort lab water systems combine pretreatment and final treatment technologies into one device. Featuring a compact design, they provide ultrapure and pure water of the highest quality. The pure water produced is kept in a closed arium bagtank. This guarantees optimal storage of the purified water and protects against secondary contamination. The replaceable bag eliminates time-consuming tank cleaning intervals. The optional UV lamp (185|254 nm) built into the ultrapure water loop also prevents microbiological growth and reduces the TOC content to a minimum. The current TOC value is continuously checked by an optionally integrated TOC monitor and displayed for convenient verification.
- TOC content <2 ppb for reproducible results; continuously updated TOC readings can be conveniently viewed on the display.
- Optimized water usage ensured by intelligent Just feature
- Glass display with touch-activated functions and intuitive menu navigation
- The arium bagtank system provides reliable protection against secondary contamination and eliminates the need for regular tank cleaning
- Compact design saves valuable work space
- “Favorites” function for direct access to pre-programmed volume dispensing
Critical Application (Type 1):
- HPLC, GC-MS, AAS, ICP-MS, Ion chromatography, TOC analysis, SPE (solid phase extraction).
Standard Applications (Type 2 | Type 3):
- Microbiological media and reagents
- Histology, ELISA, RIA, Buffers and pH solutions.
- Feed water for laboratory devices, such as autoclaves, glassware washers, humidifiers, water baths, etc.
- Conductivity for Type 1: 0.055 µS/cm (≅18.2 MO+cm).
- Typical conductivity for Type 2: 0.2–0.07 µS/cm (≅5–15 MO+cm).
- Typical conductivity for Type 3: 0.05 MO+cm).
- TOC content for Type 1: < 2 ppb.
- Microorganisms: <1 CFU/1,000 ml.
- Particles: <1/ml.