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Viscometer Bath
Product Details:
Specially designed for tests demanding ultra-precise temperature control and/or for processes requiring visual monitoring. The Manual Viscometer bath TVB 445 is designed to perform a variety of accurate temperature controls required for general laboratory use or as a constant temperature bath. Complying with the ASTM D445 standards, the TVB 445 meets the requirements of viscosity measurement for highly precise temperature control but also can be applied to applications that require visual monitoring (crystal growing, density, and reaction rate measurement).
ASTM D445, D446, DIN 51562, IP 71, ISO 3104, ISO 3105, GOST 33
Accommodates up to seven (7) capillary tubes (8 upon request).
Accommodates sub-ambient conditions with a built-in cooling coil.
Provides multiple safety features to ensure effective bath insulation against heat loss.
Provides accurate measurement over a wide temperature range (0.1°C setpoints to 200°C), offering stability and uniformity of 0.01°C.
Viscosity Testing
Laboratory Equipment