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Van De Graaff Generator
Van De Graaff Generator
Product Details:

Hand operated, mounted on base. For the generation of electric charge, useful in electrostatics and for studying various phenomena associated with electric charge. Comprises a near spherical dome supported on top of an insulated, clear Perspex pillar on the base. A removable flat rubber belt rotates through rollers mounted at both the ends of Perspex pillar. Lower roller shaft has a pulley driven by a hand operated crank through rubber belt. The continuous rotation of the flat rubber belt results in the accumulation of charge on the dome, until electrical breakdown of air surrounding the sphere occurs. With sufficient charge build up on the dome, bringing the earthed discharge sphere sufficiently close to it results in the transfer of charge from dome to ground in the form of electri
c spark. Earthing terminal provided on the base. Supplied with discharge sphere, mounted on a long insulated handle. Motorized models also available.

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Van De Graaff Generator

  • ₹0

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  • Divyansh Educational & Lab P

  • Divyansh Educational & Lab Products / Vanshika Overseas
  • Ambala, India
  • Business Type :Manufacturer, Supplier
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Tags: Laboratory Equipment