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Unilab Flexometer
Unilab Flexometer
Product Details:

Unilab Flexometer is built on a rigid metallic base plate. Test specimens are held between a pair of stationary and oscillating grips. The grips are specially designed to enable quick fixing and removal of test specimens and are shaped to meet the specification of the test. In this test, test specimens in shape of rectangular pieces are folded and clamped at each end to maintain them in a folded position in a set of grips, one of which is fixed while the other is able to oscillate. The movement of the oscillating grip causes the fold in the test specimen to run along its centre. This operation is carried out repeatedly and the test specimens inspected periodically to assess the damage produced. The equipment used for this test is called as flexometer.
IS 5914 - 1970 methods of physical testing of leather
lp 19 flexing endurance
BS 3144 - 1968 methods of sampling and physical testing of leather
clause 13 measurement of the flexing endurance of light
leather and their surface finishes
IUP / 20 - 1963 official methods of international union of leather chemists' societies

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Unilab Flexometer

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment