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Ultrasonic Homogenizer

Ultrasonic Homogenizer

  • The Labocon Ultrasonic homogenizer LUH 100series delivers 250-1800 watts of ultrasonic disruption with precision control from a microprocessor and a graphical user interface displayed on a bright display.
  • LUH series is easy and convenient ultrasonicators with high power ultrasonication up to 1800 watt; which is available with sample capacity from 500µl to 1800µl.
  • These systems are enabled with temperature controlling sensor for protecting samples from over heat/temperature for better productivity and reproducibility.
  • Our Ultrasonic Homogeniser systems are perfectly suitable for various applications such as disruption of cells, bacteria, yeast, spores, animal and plant cultured cells and tissues, emulsification of immiscible liquids, uniform dispersion of particles in liquids, acceleration of reactions, depolymerisation of large molecules and degassing of liquids.


  • Integral Temperature Controller
  • Auto Termination of Ultrasonication, on over heating of the sample
  • User friendly menu driven prompts


0.5-200 ml
Max.Tip Diameter
Ultrasonic Power
250 W
20 Hz
Overall Dimension
490x370x280 mm
Weight (Net/Gross)
9/10.6 kg
Catalog No.


Application fields are to be found mainly in the analytical field with application such as the disruption of tissues, crackling of bacteria, and homogenizing of sample in food industries.

Additional Information:

  • Item Code: LUH-101

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Ultrasonic Homogenizer

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