Urinalysis is an important clinical tool for screening, diagnosis, and follow-up. Urinalysis allows the detection of urogenital or systemic disorders that give rise to chemical and physical abnormalities. Urine is evaluated by most urinalysis procedures using diagnostic reagent strips (dipsticks) for urine chemistry and microscopy for cell counts. The traditional microscopic techniques that involve urinary sediment are labour intensive, time consuming, imprecise, and potentially influenced by inter observer variability. Given these limitations, routine urine testing with multi parameter dipsticks is considered the optimal initial step in analysis. When used in combination with a urine analyzer, urinalysis with dipstick analysis is valuable for its convenience, speed, and reproducibility. These microchemistry systems have been available for many years and allow for qualitative and semi quantitative analyses in routine urinalysis.
The URiSCAN urine dipsticks are validated against the URiSCAN Optima, URiSCAN Pro and URiSCAN Super + instruments from YD Diagnostics-Korea to eliminate inter observer variability and time sensitive errors associated with visual interpretation and as a routine work horse.
The URiSCAN urine dipstick offers up to 14 analytes for testing and are available in different combinations in order to match the needs of different clients.