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Trinocular Metallurgical Microscope

Trinocular Metallurgical Microscope

We offer Trinocular Metallurgical Microscope with following technical specification:

BodyTrinocular Head inclined at 45-degrees.
FocussingBoth side co-axial focussing knobs.
NosepieceQuadruple revolving nosepiece with accurate centering & positive click stops.
StageLarge Co-axial Mechanical Stage for X-Y movement of specimens.
IlluminationBrightfield vertical illuminator 6V-20W Halogen with field diaphragm, filter slots and bulb centring mechanism.
ObjectivesAchromatic DIN M4X-M10X & M40X.
EyepiecesH6X-WF10X-H16X (any two)

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Trinocular Metallurgical Microscope

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