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Shaking Machine Reciprocation Kham’s Type
Shaking Machine Reciprocation Kham’s Type
  • Shaking Machine- Reciprocating Type by Tanco Lab Products are ideal for mixing blood samples, chemical extractions and silver staining of proteins in polyacrylamide gels. Shaking Machine- Reciprocating types are also called Kahn Shaker machine named after its inventor, these units are fitted with analog control system; variable speed control enables the operatorto control the machine with gentle or vigorous mixing speed depending on the requirements. In addition; these Shaking Machines- Reciprocating type can also be used in warm rooms, environmental chambers, large refrigeration units and incubation systems.
  • Tanco Lab Products supplies Shaking Machine- Reciprocating type to various Blood Banks, Pathological Institutions, Hospitals, Pharmaceutical Industries etc.

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Shaking Machine Reciprocation Kham’s Type

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