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Score Residual Gauge
Product Details:
Increased Accuracy! The SRG-4000 is a highly repeatable and accurate gauge for measuring the score residual on easy open ends. Laser detection allows for accurate focusing on the score every time, giving accurate objective data. The gauge removes the subjectivity with manual focus, meaning that with the SRG-4000 you get the same results regardless of operator. The SRG-4000 is the perfect tool for the end maker and works with any end type (steel or aluminum, all sizes and shapes). The gauge comes with all the software needed for measurement as well as databasing of images, profiles, and a suite of reporting and SPC. The gauge connects directly to any PC via USB.
- Non-Destructive, Fully Automatic Measurement
- Perfect focus ensured using laser
- Based on Olympus microscope with ±0.00005" depth of field
- High Resolution USB Camera
- Score profiling function allows you to see the complete profile of the score groove
- Can be connected to any external SPC system