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SP Hull TL-100 & TL-200 Tray Loaders
SP Hull TL-100 & TL-200 Tray Loaders
Product Details:
If you need a reliable solution for vial loading then you’re in the right place! The SP Hull Tray Loaders are fully customizable to suit your exact application and format.
Offering a single tray loader for up to 200 vials per minute (vpm), or a dual tray loader for up to 400 vpm, and with a vial range from 2-500 mL vials/bottles, you can be sure there’s a solution for all your needs!
Easy-to-use - run multiple vial sizes without ever needing a change part!
Intuitive - menu-driven with PLC-assisted changeover

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SP Hull TL-100 & TL-200 Tray Loaders

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment