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Rotary Evaporator

Rotary Evaporator

Rotary Evaporator is essentially a thin film evaporator also called rotary vacuum evaporator.

Working Of Rotary Evaporator:

The rotating flask continuously covers a large surface area with a thin film which is ideal for rapid heat transfer. Fortuitously, the thin film also ensures uniform heat distribution without local heating. The facility to work the unit under full vacuum further facilitates evaporation at as low temperature as possible. That is to say, both boiling point and residence time are significantly reduced. These features combined, renders rotary film evaporator to be ideally suited for evaporation of heat sensitive material. It is equally successful for evaporation of suspension in crystallization processes, drying of powder / granules etc.

Rota Evaporator/ vacuum evaporator finds wide use from small scale laboratory set-ups to industrial operation. Goel Rotary Film Evaporator (GRFE) is preferred by both research and production facilities and has been used by laboratory and chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries.

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Rotary Evaporator

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