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Respirable Dust Samplers
Respirable Dust Samplers
Product Details:
Power Source
Usage Application
220 V
50 Hz
Dutt Instrumentations

  • Dutt Instrumentations has designed and developed new type of Respirable dust sampler with High volume sampler widely used for monitoring
  • Ambient Air Quality , the sampler first separate coarser particles (larger than 10 microns) from the air stream before filtering it on 0.5 microns pore size filter allowing a measurement of both the TSP and respirable fraction of suspended matter(SPM)
  • Sampler is supplied with a gaseous attachment to monitor gases like SOX, NOX, CO, CO2 by using Impingers containing absorbents solutions

  • The cyclone separator of Respirable dust sampler is designed to provide a cut off at 10 microns for particulate commonly found in urban environment
  • As a centrifugal separator system, this cut off is found to vary with nature and density of dust particles 


  • High volume sampler (With Respirable dust sampling facility) is arranged to measure suspended particulate(SMP) and also simultaneous sampling of pollutant gases like SO2,NOx,CL2,H2S,CS2 etc are analyzed subsequently by simple chemistry method to determine concentration of specific pollutant
  • Particle Size: 10 microns collected on filter paper and bigger than 10 microns will be collected in separate sampling cup, through cyclone separator
  • Flow rate: 0.9 to 1.2 meter cube /min
  • Flow Control Flow control by Electronic feedback flow controller
  • Automatic Sampling: By 24 hr real time programmable timer and time record
  • Voltage Stabilizer: Auto voltage stabilizer from 170-270 volts
  • Filter: GF/A(20 x 25) cm
  • Power Needed : 230v, 50 Hz, Single phase AC
  • Gaseous Sampler: 0.3 - 3.00 LPM , Manifold for four impingers with ice box
  • Size LxBxH ( 400 mm x300 mm x750 mm)

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Respirable Dust Samplers

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