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Quartz Glass Plate
Quartz Glass Plate
Product Details:

Quartz glass plate is one of the most extraordinary materials used in industry and research. Due to the combination of a number of very specific properties not given by any other material, quartz glass has cleared the way for many high-tech applications. Examples are the fabrication of computer processors and chips, modern laser technology or water treatment with UV lamps. Three aspects are crucial for most applications: purity, light and heat. A number of unique optical, mechanical and thermal properties have made quartz glass an indispensable material in the fabrication of high-tech products.

High chemical purity and resistance
Low thermal expansion with high resistance to thermal shocks
High transparency from the violet to the infrared spectral range
High irradiation resistance
Note: Custom Built Quartz plates are available in any size and configuration.

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Quartz Glass Plate

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