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Protected Aluminum Mirror
Protected Aluminum Mirror
Product Details:

Aluminum is the preferable material for UV-Vis applications. It has better reflectance than any other metal in UV. Aluminum mirrors are available as protected aluminium and enhanced-aluminum.
Mechanical Specifications:
substrate material :glass/ metal
Physical Specifications:
coating technology :Physical vapor deposition
coating type : Metallic aluminum with protective overcoat
wavelength range : UV-VIS-NIR
coating performance : R ~ 90 %
angle of incidence : 0- 45 degree
clear apertures : > 90 % of the specified aperture
adhesion and durability : As per MIL-C-675C
In astronomy, ellipsometry, spectroscopy and semiconductor lithography.
Front surface and back surface mirrors and on prism surfaces in binoculars.

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Protected Aluminum Mirror

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment