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Precision COD Digestion System

Precision COD Digestion System

We manufacture, supply and trade a wide range of Precision COD Digestion System for our honored clients. It is made to estimate Chemical Oxygen Demand of water / waste water samples. It is based on the APHA Method wherein sample is digested with potassium dichromate and sulfuric acid at 1500C in a refluxing assembly to determine the pollution load by measuring the amount of oxygen required for oxidization and convert the organic waste into carbon dioxide and water. Precision COD Digestion System incorporates an aluminum block heater with holes to accommodate C. O. D. reaction tubes of 40mm dia x 200mm length made of heat resistant borosilicate glass. Specifications: Model C O D 6 C O D 12 C O D 15 Capacity 6 Samples 12 Samples 15 Samples Tube Size 40 x 200 mm Borosilicate glass vessel with B 34 I/C joint Condenser Specially designed air cooled condenser with B 34 I/C joint Temp. Range 50 C above ambient to 2000 C ( set at 1500 C) Temp. Control By microprocessor based programmable Digital Temperature Controller with 7 segment display panel. The controller has In-built safety feature as over temp. protection and sensor. Break / disconnection indication, which shuts-off heating in the event of malfunctioning of TEMPERATURE Controller. Process Timer 0 120 min mechanical timer mounted on control panel starts the heating and, after 120 min time, turns off the heater. Tube Cooling The tube rack, after digestion of materials, is placed on the base for air cooling. Power 230 V, 50 Hz AC mains power supply.

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Precision COD Digestion System

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