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Plant Growth Chamber
Temperature Range (deg. Celsius) | 5-50 deg C |
Power (W) | 120 W |
Humidity (%) | 58 % |
Voltage (V) | 220 V |
Frequency (Hz) | 50 Hz |
Power Source | Electric |
Cleanzar India is a renowned Manufacturer, and Exporter ofLaminar air flow Fume Hood ,Blood bank refrigerator,Seed Germinator,Plant growth chamber,Laminar air flow vertical,Air Shower,Vertical Autoclave, Across Pan India.These chambers are most useful for carrying out various experiments to study growth patterns of plants and animals under controlled environmental conditions. The outer wall is made of M. S. Sheet duly painted and inner wall made up of heavy gauge aluminum or S. S. Sheet. The gap between inner and outer wall is filled with high-grade glass wool to avoid thermal loss. Besides outer double walled door, a full view inner glass door allows inspection of test samples without disturbing the inner chamber conditions. Unit is also supplied with three adjustable perforated shelves. Temperature orange from 5 C to 50 C + 1 C is controlled by dual setting digital temperature indicator cum controller, so as to set two different temperatures for Day and Night.
Plant Growth Chamber