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Pensky Martin Apparatus

Pensky Martin Apparatus

Product Details:

Country of OriginMade in India
Power500 Watt
Temperature70 Degree C

Pensky Martin Apparatus offered comprise Flash Point Apparatus that finds wide application in determining closed cup Flash Point of Cut Back asphalts, Fuel Oil as well as other viscous materials as well as suspension of solids that have flash point of around 490F. these come supplied with oil cup cover that comes fitted with S.S. water bath, stirrer thermometer socket, stand and electric heaters. We can also make these available in different forms as demanded by the clients.
  • High performance based Pensky Martin Flash Point Apparatus
  • Widely used for determining closed cup flash point of Cut Back asphalts, Fuel Oil and other viscous material including suspension of solids with flash point about 49 0F
  • Suitable for oils with flashes below 70 ºC
  • Supplied with oil cup cover fitted with S.S. water bath, stand, stirrer thermometer socket and electric heaters

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Pensky Martin Apparatus

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