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Nucleopore Fungus Bacteria Ki
Nucleopore Fungus Bacteria Kit
Product Details:
The Nucleo-pore gDNA Fungal/Bacterial Mini Kit utilizes 15 minute protocol for the isolation of DNA from tough-to-lyse fungi, mycelium and Gram (+) and (-) bacteria. Samples homogenized using Thrashing Beads followed by Lysis without using organic denaturants or proteinases. After two washing steps pure DNA is isolated using FB Spin column technology. The gDNA Fungal/Bacterial Mini Kit is designed for the simple, rapid isolation of DNA (upto 25ug) from tough-to-lyse fungi, including A. fumigatus, C. albicans, N. crassa, S. cerevisiae, S. pombe, as well as from mycelium and Gram (+) and (-) bacteria. The procedure is easy and can be completed in as little as 15 minutes: Purified DNA is ideal for downstream molecular-based applications.
Spin column: Beas Beating; Processing Time: 15 Min; Sample Input: 40 mg; DNA Purity: A260/280 ratio 1.8.; Elution Volume: 25-100ul; DNA Yield: 5ug.

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Nucleopore Fungus Bacteria Ki

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment