Nitrocellulose Membrane For Lateral Flow Immunoassey
Nitrocellulose membrane is a very critical component of the assey. Along with high protein binding, surface quality and performance consistency and crucial parameters of suubstrate quality.
variation in capillary flow rate and thikness across strip will be detrimental to a assey''s sensitivity, reproducibility and reagent consumptions. in case of uneven fiber distribution or nitrocellulose powder settlements on the surface, the protein binding ability of the membrane wiil be compromised. Further, variations in the mentioned parameters across batches can create issues of manufacturing in process approvals and final assey performance.
we provides consistent, reliable membrane with best surface quality and performance consistency to improve your assey.
strong in house capabilites including customised casting machines, large batch size, proprietary processes,strict process controls and stringent product testing standards enable us to provide yu the membrane which is consistent in physical and chemical properties.
- High protein binding: small pore size allows for higher protein binding capacity of the membrane.
- Consistent thikness: allows homogeneous membrane structure and in-turn uniform protein binding.
- Surface quality: smoth, powder free surface with low background signal allows for sharp capture line and clear results to maximize sensitivity and specificity of the test.
- Hydrophilic: surfactant is added for fast wetting
- Consistent properties: specially-designed & custome-built production lines to ensure intra and intra-lot consistency aiding test sensitivity throughout your product''s life-cycle.
- Purity: constructed of 100% pure nitrocellulose polymer that contains no interfering contaminant or post-treatment chemicals that affect assey performance.
Additional Information:
- Item Code: PHC130