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CBR Apparatus
Product Details :
- Laboratory California Bearing Ratio Test Apparatus, Motorized, 3 Speed, Cap.: 50kN (5000kgf). Unit comprises of the following:Mould, 150mm ID x 175mm High
- Perforated Base Plate Extension Collar
- Penetration Piston, 50mm face dia
- Adjustable Bracket for Penetration Dial Gauge
- Circular Metal Spacer Disc, with detachable handle, 148mm dia x 47.7mm high
- Annular Metal Weight, 2.5Kg 147mm dia with 53mm dia central hole
- Slotted Metal Weight, 2.5Kg, 147mm dia with 53mm dia slot
- Perforated Plate, 148mm dia with adjustable stem and lock nut
- Metal Tripod for Dial Gauge
- Cutting Collar
- Rammer, 2.6Kg, 310mm controlled drop
- Rammer, 4.9Kg, 450mm controlled drop
- Proving Ring, Cap.: 50kNDial Gauge, 25mm travel, 0.01mm least count.