Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is an easy, inexpensive, non-specific test that has been used for many years to help diagnose conditions associated with acute and chronic inflammations, including infection, cancer and autoimmune disease. ESR is a marker of erythrocyte aggregation influenced by blood proteins such as fibrinogen and immunoglobulins in a state of inflammation. Normally, the electrostatic forces between RBCs make them repel each other and inhibit their aggregation. An increased amount of plasma fibrinogen or globulins coat the RBCs, foster their aggregation, and hasten settling, consequently elevating the ESR. Large-molecular-weight fibrinogen has the greatest effect followed by β-globulins and distantly by α2-globulins, γ-globulins and albumin.
The Westergren method is the recommended test procedure and also the most discriminating at high and low values. It measures the vertical fall (by gravity) of the top of the blood cell column of thoroughly mixed, anticoagulated venous blood over a 1-hour period. MICROSED-SYSTEM® from ELITech Group is a Dutch made automated-closed system highly preferred by many clinical laboratories across the world. The system has been carefully evaluated and standardized against the Westergren method to establish normal reference ranges, sensitivity, and levels of clinical significance.
Q-line Biotech is the sole agent for MICROSED-SYSTEM in India.