Livo A700
Product Details :
Automated blood morphology analysis18 part WBC | 36 part RBC | 4 part PLTwith clump detection
What does Livo A700 do?
Powered by state-of-the-art artificial neural networks and robotic microscopy, Livo A700 performs accurate monolayer detection, cell identification, inclusion detection, parasite detection, pre-classification and differential counting of all cells with precision, relieving you of the most laborious part of blood smear analysis. After doing all this, the A700 then generates morphology report with high resolution cell images from its 100x objective, pre-classified, for the expert review.
- Reduce TAT of hematology testing by least 64%
- Never miss critical classes like sickles & schistocytes with 98%+ sensitivity
- Automated platelet clump detection to rule out pseudo thrombocytopenia
- Convenient review and sign off cases remotely when needed
- No downtime during staff shortage or increased smear reviews
- Visual evidence and documentation for every slide
18 part WBC differential
Hover on any WBC to see its chromatin pattern, nucleolus, granules & size information clearly in highest resolution possible in bright-field microscopy
36 part RBC differential
Following ICSH standards, at-least 1000 RBCs are graded for their colour, size, shape & inclusion characteristics
4 part Platelet differential
Gives you Total Platelet Count Estimation, detects platelet clumps and 4 part platelet differential. Hover on any platelet to see its contextual information and exact size in microns