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Liquid Helium Cryostat
Liquid Helium Cryostat
Product Details:

The "Cryostat" is cylindrical in shape made out of SS 304L / SS 316 material and essentially consists of :
Vacuum Jacket Top plate Assembly Liquid Nitrogen Vessel Liquid Helium Vessel Radiation shield Stand to mount the Cryostat vertically Liquid Nitrogen container is made out of cylindrical shells assemble as a double walled jacket. This is suspended form the top flange with fiber glass supports made out of G-10 material. Inside the Liquid Nitrogen container, Liquid Helium Vessel is assembled. The inlet and outlet pipes of both the containers are taken to the top flange using SS bellows. The bellows are utlilised both for flexibility to align mechanically and also to take care of the contraction and expansion during thermal cycles. The Liquid Nitrogen anchored radiation shield surrounds the liquid helium vessel. All the items are assembled inside a vacuum jacket which fits to the top flange. The cryostats are fabricated as per customer design and specifications and is leak tested before and after cold shocking.

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Liquid Helium Cryostat

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Tags: Laboratory Equipment